Sunday, December 2, 2007

Easy Pickings, Analytical Response c

"Easy Pickings" was a short story about a wannabe-tough guy who steals from innocent women. He calls himself Big Blade and is also covered in intimidating tattoos. However, contrary to his appearance, he is "small, petty, and dull." Big Blade finds an elderly neighborhood that that he thinks is "easy pickings" for his thievery. Yet what he thought would be "easy"instead becomes a goose chase in a cray neighborhood. The old lady he decides to rob ended up being extremely cunning and full of wit. She tricks him and stalls him until finally Deputy Sid, the slow and lazy but smart cop, comes to join in the scheme. By the end of the story Mrs. Landreneaux, Deputy Sid, and all the neighborhood catches Big Blade and sends him back to jail.
I like the hidden personalities of the characters of the neighborhood. Gautreaux does a great job of mixing the stereotypical attitude of the South with an innocent elderly neighborhood. All the characters were very relaxed and calm,  but still tough and crazy. This is contrasting with the "tough-guy" attitude of Big Blade. He was not that tough and strong but tried to be, whereas the neighbors had an internal strength and natural calm. Through this Gautreaux does a good job of contrasting the generations: old verse young. The younger and naive Big Blade is outsmarted by the older and wiser people of the neighborhood. Although they are not as strong physically, the neighbors prevail through their smart tactics and strong personalities. Gautreaux has used this theme of the old helping the young. It also is apparent in his story "Welding with Children." The grandfather in this story is desperate to help his grandchildren grow that he changes routines in his life. 

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