Sunday, December 2, 2007

Easy Pickings, Theological Response C.

Grace is not so much offered in this story as it is presented or forced. Grace comes out in the end of the story when Big Blade is arrested and comes to realize that he should never judge a book by its cover. As it is forced upon him, Grace shows Big Blade that he was wrong about his theory of this small, quiet town. He walked in thinking that it was going to be “Easy Pickings,” but was soon proved wrong. He was a wannabe thug, and was beaten by an elderly more than once. Big Blade doesn’t have the choice of accepting or rejecting the Grace that was presented to him, because he had no choice of being arrested or not. When Deputy Sid arrests him, it suggestively knocks sense into Big Blade and tells him to straighten up and fly right. Even though it was not a choice of his own, one could say that this conversion of Big Blade’s can be compared to Thomas Aquinas’s Cooperative Grace. This is the closest version that compares to this story, although cooperative does relate to one’s freedom and reason work with God, when in this story it is reasoning and the taking of freedom that work with God. This is a story that shows that God has everything happen for a reason and, in this case, he tries to give Marvin the necessary Grace he needs to get back on the right track—the track to forgiveness and salvation.

Analytical Response: b.

  • What past events in Marvin's life might have caused him act so malevolently?
  • Has Doris dealt with any intrusions or burglaries in the past?
  • Why did Mrs. Breaux tell Marvin to come back and play cards with them when he gets out of jail?
  • Why did Marvin feel like he had been robbing people for all of his life?
  • Why was Doris so unafraid when she saw Marvin at her back steps with his "gleaming eyes", tattoos and knife?
  • Why does Doris offer food to Marvin?
  • Has Doris ever played pranks on her friends that might have led them to believe that her phone call was a joke?
  • Would you consider Deputy Sid to be good at his job?
  • Why did Marvin want his knife back after he had been given a gun?
  • Did Doris and her friends actually turn out to be "easy pickings?"

Serrantos- Analytical Response d: Character Comparison

Gautreaux’s characters are very unique. He uses many different ones to illustrate what each story is about. A common theme that connects almost all of his main characters is their age. He likes to use older characters, which provides an interesting contrast with the other younger characters. This theme is very prevalent in Welding With Children and Easy Pickings. Easy Pickings, likely one of his funnier stories, is a good place to start. Marvin, or as he likes to call himself, Big Blade, is a young man who thinks that all of the old people he steals from are “easy pickings”, hence the title of the story. He soon finds out that they are not as weak as he had thought, as they bring about his downfall. At the end though, he learns his lesson as he realizes that they are smarter than him. This can be compared with the grandfather from Welding With Children. Just how the older people changed the young man in Easy Pickings, the young children change the old man in Welding with Children.

Another theme that is prevalent in Gautreaux’s work is the theme of appearance versus reality. This is apparent in Misuse of Light and in Easy Pickings. In Misuse of Light, Mel finds out that the girl’s grandfather saved his camera instead of his wife in the sinking of the ship. He thinks that this is the truth and tells the girl, shattering the view of her grandfather. After further, more careful research he finds out that his story was wrong. He takes the first thing he hears as the truth and does not question it further just like Marvin. He thinks that the old people will not be hard to steal from but he ends up being very mistaken. He, like Mel, took the first thing he saw as the truth, and found out the hard way that he was wrong.

Easy Pickings, Analytical Response c

"Easy Pickings" was a short story about a wannabe-tough guy who steals from innocent women. He calls himself Big Blade and is also covered in intimidating tattoos. However, contrary to his appearance, he is "small, petty, and dull." Big Blade finds an elderly neighborhood that that he thinks is "easy pickings" for his thievery. Yet what he thought would be "easy"instead becomes a goose chase in a cray neighborhood. The old lady he decides to rob ended up being extremely cunning and full of wit. She tricks him and stalls him until finally Deputy Sid, the slow and lazy but smart cop, comes to join in the scheme. By the end of the story Mrs. Landreneaux, Deputy Sid, and all the neighborhood catches Big Blade and sends him back to jail.
I like the hidden personalities of the characters of the neighborhood. Gautreaux does a great job of mixing the stereotypical attitude of the South with an innocent elderly neighborhood. All the characters were very relaxed and calm,  but still tough and crazy. This is contrasting with the "tough-guy" attitude of Big Blade. He was not that tough and strong but tried to be, whereas the neighbors had an internal strength and natural calm. Through this Gautreaux does a good job of contrasting the generations: old verse young. The younger and naive Big Blade is outsmarted by the older and wiser people of the neighborhood. Although they are not as strong physically, the neighbors prevail through their smart tactics and strong personalities. Gautreaux has used this theme of the old helping the young. It also is apparent in his story "Welding with Children." The grandfather in this story is desperate to help his grandchildren grow that he changes routines in his life. 

Easy Pickings

Letter to Main Character

Dear Marvin,
I hope that you can eventualy find peace in your life and be your true self. You have made a lot of bad decisions, and i hope that you regret every one of them. After getting caught you should learn to live a life of virtue and kindness and leave your criminal days behind. I know that the "Big Blade" mask you put on is not really you. Do not hide behind the tough guy you try to be, I know you want and deserve to be good. You must find a deeper meaning in your life. Stealing from innocent people is not going to get you anywhere. You need to straighten up your act and grow up. Face the reality of your life and deal with the consequences of al your poor actions. After your punishment for the crime involving Doris, ou should move away and start fresh. I know you don't want to be like this for the rest of your life, you have the potential to be good you just have to want to be. Look to God for help and you can do anything. I hope you feel sorry for your actions and know that God will forgive you and help you start new. May you lead a good prosperous life.