Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Analytical Response, B.

"Misuse of Light"

1. What do you think was on the last, blank negative?
2. What would you feel after reading the article stating that your grandfather--who you had complete and total respect for--was called a coward?
3. If you were in Leland's (the grandfather's) shoes, would you save the camera first, regardless of what your wife says, or would you make sure she made it to safety before anything?
4. Is it wrong to look for more meaning in everyday things?
5. Is it better to "just look" at a picture, or is it better to break it down and try and understand the feelings felt by the people in the picture?
6. If you were in Mel's shoes, would you investigate the picture as well, or just take the pictures and leave them be?
7. If you had the option of buying antique cameras and found old film, would you hold onto it or throw it away?
8. If you had kept the old pictures, could you see that as nosy or even invasion of privacy?
9. Was the convincing of the girl that her grandfather really was a good man and loved his wife necessary for the ending of the story?
10. If someone told you to stay away from their daughter, would you disobey if your purpose was based on bringing good news like Mel did?

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